Daughter. Wife.

Marine. Pilot.

Artist. Photographer.

Just a few titles I’ve been grateful to have in this life. They have allowed me to work with incredible humans, live once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and see the world in unique ways.
My goal with photography has always been to share.  I have two portfolios available on this site: “Beyond the Horizon” highlights  my love of nature and lifestyle photography. “The Aviator’s Lens” lets you experience military aviation from the air, hangar, or flight deck. I truly hope to highlight the Marines that work tirelessly day in and day out, with their own story and backgrounds worth sharing. 
I have been drawing since I was a kid, filling up notebooks with sketches and doodles. A hobby I’ve loved even longer than photography. However, I’ve never been someone that could sit down for twenty minutes and call it a day! The perfectionist in me always wants more and that kind of time is difficult to find for an active duty Marine, especially a pilot. Every so often I find myself with time to create, using references from every day military life, to a book, or movie.
I adore the simplicity and precision of graphite pencil drawing, but sometimes venture into the colorful world of pastels. Being able to recreate a moment in time for others makes me incredibly grateful for this talent.
I will open commissions for fine art drawings once my schedule allows. Please stay tuned by following me on Instagram - @stacibri.photo